Home prices
The median home value in Pepeekeo is $283,100. In comparison to nearby areas this is about $52,000 (15%) lower.It is about $65,600 (30%) higher in comparison to the rest of the nation, and is about $46,100 (14%) lower in comparison to the city of Hilo.
The median rent in Pepeekeo is $331 a month. In comparison to the surrounding areas this is approximately $984 (74%) lower.In comparison to the entire country it is about $731 (68%) lower, and is roughly $714 (68%) lower compared to the city of Hilo.
Nearby places
Honomu is approximately 3 miles north of Pepeekeo. The housing prices there are pretty similar. Honomu's median home price is $280,200, which comes out to $2,900 (1%) lower than Pepeekeo. The rent there is substantially more expensive. In Honomu the median rent is $1,458 per month, which works out to $1,127 (77%) higher than Pepeekeo.
Papaikou is about 3 miles south of Pepeekeo. Real estate prices there are somewhat less expensive. The median home in Papaikou costs $247,200, which is $35,900 (14%) lower than Pepeekeo. Rents there are substantially more expensive. The median rent in Papaikou is $943 per month, which works out to $612 (64%) higher than Pepeekeo.
Paukaa is about 5 miles south of Pepeekeo. The real estate prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home in Paukaa is valued at $403,700, which is $120,600 (29%) higher than Pepeekeo. Rents there are significantly more expensive. Paukaa's median monthly rent is $1,563, which is $1,232 (78%) higher than Pepeekeo.
Wainaku is about 7 miles south from Pepeekeo. Housing prices there are fairly similar. The median home value in Wainaku is $290,300, which is $7,200 (2%) higher than Pepeekeo. Its rents are substantially more expensive. The median rent in Wainaku is $1,375 a month, which is $1,044 (75%) higher than Pepeekeo.
Laupahoehoe is approximately 14 miles northwest from Pepeekeo. The real estate prices there are substantially more expensive. The median home in Laupahoehoe costs $454,100, which works out to $171,000 (37%) higher than Pepeekeo. Rents there are significantly more expensive. The median monthly rent in Laupahoehoe is $1,234, which works out to $903 (73%) higher than Pepeekeo.