Home prices
The median home in Wainaku costs $290,300. This is about $20,320 (6%) lower in comparison to nearby areas.Compared to the entire nation it is approximately $72,800 (33%) higher, and in comparison to the city of Hilo it is approximately $38,900 (11%) lower.
In Wainaku the median rent is $1,375 per month. This is about $288 (26%) higher in comparison to nearby areas.In comparison to the rest of the country it is roughly $313 (29%) higher, and it is approximately $330 (31%) higher in comparison to the city of Hilo.
Nearby places
Paukaa is Wainaku's neighbor to the north. The housing prices there are a little more expensive. The median home value in Paukaa is $403,700, which comes out to $113,400 (28%) higher than Wainaku. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. In Paukaa the median monthly rent is $1,563, which works out to $188 (12%) higher than Wainaku.
Papaikou is about 3 miles north of Wainaku. Housing prices there are a little less expensive. The median home in Papaikou costs $247,200, which works out to $43,100 (17%) lower than Wainaku. Rent there is a lot less expensive. In Papaikou the median rent is $943 a month, which comes out to $432 (45%) lower than Wainaku.
Pepeekeo is approximately 7 miles north from Wainaku. The real estate prices there are pretty similar. The median home in Pepeekeo is valued at $283,100, which works out to $7,200 (2%) lower than Wainaku. The rent there is substantially less expensive. The median rent in Pepeekeo is $331 a month, which works out to $1,044 (315%) lower than Wainaku.
Honomu is about 10 miles north from Wainaku. Real estate prices there are similar. Honomu's median home cost is $280,200, which comes out to $10,100 (3%) lower than Wainaku. The rent there is somewhat more expensive. Honomu's median rent is $1,458 a month, which works out to $83 (5%) higher than Wainaku.
Keaau is about 11 miles south of Wainaku. Housing prices there are a little more expensive. The median home in Keaau costs $338,900, which is $48,600 (14%) higher than Wainaku. Rent there is a bit less expensive. The median monthly rent in Keaau is $1,141, which is $234 (20%) lower than Wainaku.