Home prices
The median home cost in Laupahoehoe is $454,100. It is roughly $167,000 (58%) higher in comparison to its nearby areas.It is approximately $236,600 (108%) higher compared to the nation as a whole, and is roughly $124,900 (37%) higher in comparison to the city of Hilo.
In Laupahoehoe the median rent is $1,234 a month. This is approximately $255 (26%) higher compared to nearby areas.It is about $172 (16%) higher in comparison to the nation as a whole, and it is approximately $189 (18%) higher compared to the city of Hilo.
Nearby places
Paauilo is roughly 9 miles northwest from Laupahoehoe. The housing prices there are a lot less expensive. The price of the median home in Paauilo is $274,100, which comes out to $180,000 (65%) lower than Laupahoehoe. Rents there are a bit less expensive. Paauilo's median rent is $1,125 per month, which comes out to $109 (9%) lower than Laupahoehoe.
Honomu is about 11 miles southeast from Laupahoehoe. The real estate prices there are substantially less expensive. The median home in Honomu costs $280,200, which is $173,900 (62%) lower than Laupahoehoe. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median monthly rent in Honomu is $1,458, which works out to $224 (15%) higher than Laupahoehoe.
Pepeekeo is about 14 miles southeast of Laupahoehoe. Real estate prices there are significantly less expensive. The median home in Pepeekeo costs $283,100, which comes out to $171,000 (60%) lower than Laupahoehoe. Its rents are a lot less expensive. The median monthly rent in Pepeekeo is $331, which is $903 (272%) lower than Laupahoehoe.
Honokaa is about 16 miles northwest of Laupahoehoe. Its real estate prices are a little less expensive. Honokaa's median home price is $350,900, which is $103,200 (29%) lower than Laupahoehoe. Its rents are a little less expensive. Honokaa's median rent is $1,039 per month, which works out to $195 (18%) lower than Laupahoehoe.
Papaikou is about 17 miles southeast of Laupahoehoe. The housing prices there are substantially less expensive. The median home cost in Papaikou is $247,200, which works out to $206,900 (83%) lower than Laupahoehoe. Its rents are a little less expensive. In Papaikou the median rent is $943 per month, which comes out to $291 (30%) lower than Laupahoehoe.