Home prices
The median home in Paauilo is valued at $274,100. This is roughly $89,400 (24%) lower in comparison to its surrounding areas.Compared to the nation as a whole it is roughly $56,600 (26%) higher, and in comparison to the city of Hilo it is about $55,100 (16%) lower.
The median monthly rent in Paauilo is $1,125. It is is very similar compared to the surrounding areas.It is about $63 (5%) higher compared to the United States as a whole, and in comparison to the city of Hilo is about $80 (7%) higher.
Nearby places
Honokaa is approximately 6 miles northwest from Paauilo. Housing prices there are a bit more expensive. The median home in Honokaa is valued at $350,900, which is $76,800 (21%) higher than Paauilo. The rent there is somewhat less expensive. Honokaa's median monthly rent is $1,039, which comes out to $86 (8%) lower than Paauilo.
Laupahoehoe is roughly 9 miles southeast of Paauilo. Housing prices there are substantially more expensive. The median home in Laupahoehoe is valued at $454,100, which works out to $180,000 (39%) higher than Paauilo. Its rents are a little more expensive. In Laupahoehoe the median rent is $1,234 a month, which works out to $109 (8%) higher than Paauilo.
Waimea is roughly 16 miles west of Paauilo. Real estate prices there are a lot more expensive. The median home in Waimea is valued at $449,200, which comes out to $175,100 (38%) higher than Paauilo. Rent there is a bit more expensive. In Waimea the median rent is $1,569 a month, which is $444 (28%) higher than Paauilo.
Honomu is about 20 miles southeast from Paauilo. Its housing prices are similar. The median home cost in Honomu is $280,200, which comes out to $6,100 (2%) higher than Paauilo. Its rents are somewhat more expensive. Honomu's median monthly rent is $1,458, which works out to $333 (22%) higher than Paauilo.
Pepeekeo is approximately 23 miles southeast from Paauilo. Real estate prices there are fairly similar. The median home in Pepeekeo is valued at $283,100, which works out to $9,000 (3%) higher than Paauilo. Rents there are substantially less expensive. Pepeekeo's median monthly rent is $331, which is $794 (239%) lower than Paauilo.