Home prices
The median home in Lower Kalskag is valued at $156,300. It is approximately $82,360 (111%) higher compared to nearby areas.Compared to the rest of the country it is roughly $61,200 (28%) lower, and it is approximately $49,500 (24%) lower in comparison to the city of Aniak.
In Lower Kalskag the median monthly rent is $508. It is roughly $344 (40%) lower compared to its surrounding areas.It is approximately $554 (52%) lower compared to the nation as a whole, and in comparison to the city of Aniak it is about $680 (57%) lower.
Nearby places
Upper Kalskag
Upper Kalskag is Lower Kalskag's neighbor to the northeast. The real estate prices there are a bit less expensive. The median home in Upper Kalskag is valued at $128,100, which is $28,200 (22%) lower than Lower Kalskag. Rents there are significantly more expensive. Upper Kalskag's median monthly rent is $1,000, which is $492 (49%) higher than Lower Kalskag.
Tuluksak is about 24 miles southwest from Lower Kalskag. Its real estate prices are substantially less expensive. The median home in Tuluksak costs $33,100, which is $123,200 (372%) lower than Lower Kalskag. The rent there is somewhat more expensive. In Tuluksak the median rent is $683 per month, which comes out to $175 (25%) higher than Lower Kalskag.
Chuathbaluk is approximately 31 miles east from Lower Kalskag. Real estate prices there are significantly less expensive. The median home in Chuathbaluk costs $112,500, which comes out to $43,800 (38%) lower than Lower Kalskag. Rent there is significantly more expensive. In Chuathbaluk the median monthly rent is $1,000, which comes out to $492 (49%) higher than Lower Kalskag.
Holy Cross
Holy Cross is approximately 32 miles northeast of Lower Kalskag. Its real estate prices are a lot less expensive. The median home in Holy Cross is valued at $43,500, which works out to $112,800 (259%) lower than Lower Kalskag. Its rents are a bit more expensive. In Holy Cross the median monthly rent is $625, which works out to $117 (18%) higher than Lower Kalskag.
Akiak is roughly 36 miles southwest from Lower Kalskag. Real estate prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home in Akiak costs $52,500, which works out to $103,800 (197%) lower than Lower Kalskag. Rent there is significantly more expensive. The median monthly rent in Akiak is $950, which comes out to $442 (46%) higher than Lower Kalskag.