Home prices
Holy Cross's median home price is $43,500. In comparison to nearby areas this is approximately $35,880 (45%) lower.In comparison to the rest of the country it is approximately $174,000 (80%) lower, and is approximately $162,300 (78%) lower in comparison to the city of Aniak.
In Holy Cross the median rent is $625 a month. Compared to nearby areas it is roughly $168 (21%) lower.It is about $437 (41%) lower compared to the entire country, and compared to the city of Aniak is roughly $563 (47%) lower.
Nearby places
Shageluk is approximately 21 miles north from Holy Cross. Housing prices there are a little more expensive. Shageluk's median home value is $62,500, which is $19,000 (30%) higher than Holy Cross. The rent there is substantially less expensive. The median monthly rent in Shageluk is $375, which is $250 (66%) lower than Holy Cross.
Anvik is roughly 22 miles northwest of Holy Cross. Real estate prices there are pretty similar. Anvik's median home cost is $43,800, which is very similar to Holy Cross. Rent there is substantially more expensive. Anvik's median rent is $1,063 a month, which is $438 (41%) higher than Holy Cross.
Grayling is approximately 30 miles north from Holy Cross. Its housing prices are a bit more expensive. The price of the median home in Grayling is $50,000, which comes out to $6,500 (13%) higher than Holy Cross. The rent there is a bit less expensive. Grayling's median monthly rent is $525, which comes out to $100 (19%) lower than Holy Cross.
Chuathbaluk is about 30 miles southeast of Holy Cross. The housing prices there are a lot more expensive. The cost of the median home in Chuathbaluk is $112,500, which is $69,000 (61%) higher than Holy Cross. The rent there is substantially more expensive. In Chuathbaluk the median monthly rent is $1,000, which works out to $375 (37%) higher than Holy Cross.
Upper Kalskag
Upper Kalskag is roughly 30 miles southwest of Holy Cross. The housing prices there are a lot more expensive. The cost of the median home in Upper Kalskag is $128,100, which is $84,600 (66%) higher than Holy Cross. Rent there is significantly more expensive. In Upper Kalskag the median monthly rent is $1,000, which is $375 (37%) higher than Holy Cross.