Home prices
The median home in Tuluksak is valued at $33,100. It is approximately $56,980 (63%) lower compared to other places in this area.In comparison to the entire country it is about $184,400 (84%) lower, and in comparison to the city of Bethel it is approximately $247,300 (88%) lower.
The median monthly rent in Tuluksak is $683. Compared to the surrounding areas this is approximately $9 (1%) lower.Compared to the entire nation it is roughly $379 (35%) lower, and compared to the city of Bethel is roughly $869 (55%) lower.
Nearby places
Akiak is about 11 miles southwest from Tuluksak. The real estate prices there are substantially more expensive. The median home in Akiak is valued at $52,500, which is $19,400 (36%) higher than Tuluksak. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median monthly rent in Akiak is $950, which comes out to $267 (28%) higher than Tuluksak.
Akiachak is approximately 15 miles southwest from Tuluksak. Housing prices there are substantially more expensive. The median home in Akiachak is valued at $54,300, which works out to $21,200 (39%) higher than Tuluksak. The rent there is significantly less expensive. In Akiachak the median monthly rent is $475, which is $208 (43%) lower than Tuluksak.
Kwethluk is roughly 19 miles southwest of Tuluksak. Its housing prices are substantially more expensive. The median home in Kwethluk costs $59,200, which comes out to $26,100 (44%) higher than Tuluksak. The rent there is a bit less expensive. In Kwethluk the median monthly rent is $525, which comes out to $158 (30%) lower than Tuluksak.
Lower Kalskag
Lower Kalskag is roughly 24 miles northeast of Tuluksak. The housing prices there are substantially more expensive. The median home cost in Lower Kalskag is $156,300, which works out to $123,200 (78%) higher than Tuluksak. Rents there are significantly less expensive. Lower Kalskag's median rent is $508 a month, which comes out to $175 (34%) lower than Tuluksak.
Upper Kalskag
Upper Kalskag is approximately 25 miles northeast from Tuluksak. The real estate prices there are significantly more expensive. Upper Kalskag's median home cost is $128,100, which works out to $95,000 (74%) higher than Tuluksak. Its rents are a bit more expensive. Upper Kalskag's median monthly rent is $1,000, which works out to $317 (31%) higher than Tuluksak.