Home prices
The price of the median home in Waipio Acres is $399,200. This is approximately $205,940 (34%) lower in comparison to its nearby areas.It is about $181,700 (83%) higher in comparison to the country as a whole, and is about $283,800 (41%) lower compared to the city of Urban Honolulu.
Waipio Acres's median rent is $1,748 per month. It is approximately $37 (2%) higher compared to its nearby areas.It is roughly $686 (64%) higher in comparison to the rest of the nation, and compared to the city of Urban Honolulu is about $257 (17%) higher.
Nearby places
Mililani Mauka
Mililani Mauka is Waipio Acres's neighbor to the east. The housing prices there are significantly more expensive. The median home cost in Mililani Mauka is $691,200, which is $292,000 (42%) higher than Waipio Acres. Its rents are a bit more expensive. The median monthly rent in Mililani Mauka is $2,226, which works out to $478 (21%) higher than Waipio Acres.
Mililani Town
Mililani Town is Waipio Acres's neighbor to the south. Its real estate prices are significantly more expensive. Mililani Town's median home price is $639,800, which comes out to $240,600 (37%) higher than Waipio Acres. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median rent in Mililani Town is $1,920 per month, which works out to $172 (8%) higher than Waipio Acres.
Wahiawa is about 2 miles north of Waipio Acres. Its real estate prices are significantly more expensive. The median home in Wahiawa is valued at $590,900, which works out to $191,700 (32%) higher than Waipio Acres. Rent there is a lot less expensive. The median monthly rent in Wahiawa is $1,288, which works out to $460 (35%) lower than Waipio Acres.
Whitmore Village
Whitmore Village is approximately 3 miles north from Waipio Acres. Housing prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home value in Whitmore Village is $567,500, which works out to $168,300 (29%) higher than Waipio Acres. The rent there is a lot less expensive. In Whitmore Village the median rent is $1,295 per month, which comes out to $453 (34%) lower than Waipio Acres.
Waipio is about 4 miles south of Waipio Acres. The housing prices there are somewhat more expensive. Waipio's median home value is $536,300, which works out to $137,100 (25%) higher than Waipio Acres. Its rents are similar. Waipio's median rent is $1,827 per month, which is $79 (4%) higher than Waipio Acres.