Home prices
The median home value in Waipio is $536,300. Compared to its surrounding areas it is about $76,960 (12%) lower.It is approximately $318,800 (146%) higher in comparison to the United States as a whole, and it is roughly $146,700 (21%) lower compared to the city of Urban Honolulu.
Waipio's median monthly rent is $1,827. It is about $144 (7%) lower in comparison to its nearby areas.Compared to the United States as a whole it is approximately $765 (72%) higher, and is about $336 (22%) higher compared to the city of Urban Honolulu.
Nearby places
Waikele is Waipio's neighbor to the southwest. The housing prices there are a little less expensive. Waikele's median home price is $508,000, which comes out to $28,300 (5%) lower than Waipio. Rent there is a little more expensive. Waikele's median rent is $2,317 per month, which is $490 (21%) higher than Waipio.
Royal Kunia
Royal Kunia is approximately 2 miles west from Waipio. Its housing prices are a bit more expensive. The median home in Royal Kunia is valued at $624,900, which works out to $88,600 (14%) higher than Waipio. The rent there is a bit more expensive. Royal Kunia's median monthly rent is $2,368, which works out to $541 (22%) higher than Waipio.
Waipahu is about 2 miles south of Waipio. The real estate prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home in Waipahu is valued at $626,600, which is $90,300 (14%) higher than Waipio. The rent there is substantially less expensive. The median monthly rent in Waipahu is $1,343, which comes out to $484 (36%) lower than Waipio.
Pearl City
Pearl City is roughly 2 miles east from Waipio. Housing prices there are a bit more expensive. The median home price in Pearl City is $667,000, which comes out to $130,700 (19%) higher than Waipio. Rents there are similar. In Pearl City the median monthly rent is $1,908, which comes out to $81 (4%) higher than Waipio.
Mililani Town
Mililani Town is roughly 2 miles north from Waipio. Its housing prices are a little more expensive. The median home value in Mililani Town is $639,800, which works out to $103,500 (16%) higher than Waipio. The rent there is pretty similar. Mililani Town's median rent is $1,920 per month, which works out to $93 (4%) higher than Waipio.