Home prices
The median home in Aiea is valued at $825,300. It is approximately $236,640 (40%) higher in comparison to other places in this area.It is approximately $607,800 (279%) higher compared to the rest of the country, and compared to the city of Urban Honolulu is roughly $142,300 (20%) higher.
In Aiea the median monthly rent is $2,356. It is roughly $441 (23%) higher in comparison to its surrounding areas.It is about $1,294 (121%) higher in comparison to the rest of the nation, and it is approximately $865 (58%) higher compared to the city of Urban Honolulu.
Nearby places
Waimalu is Aiea's neighbor to the northwest. Real estate prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home in Waimalu costs $446,800, which is $378,500 (84%) lower than Aiea. The rent there is substantially less expensive. In Waimalu the median rent is $1,763 a month, which works out to $593 (33%) lower than Aiea.
Halawa is Aiea's neighbor to the south. Housing prices there are a bit less expensive. The median home in Halawa is valued at $785,200, which is $40,100 (5%) lower than Aiea. Rent there is a lot less expensive. The median rent in Halawa is $1,761 a month, which works out to $595 (33%) lower than Aiea.
Pearl City
Pearl City is about 2 miles northwest from Aiea. The housing prices there are a little less expensive. The value of the median home in Pearl City is $667,000, which is $158,300 (23%) lower than Aiea. Rent there is a little less expensive. Pearl City's median monthly rent is $1,908, which works out to $448 (23%) lower than Aiea.
Waipio is approximately 4 miles northwest of Aiea. The real estate prices there are substantially less expensive. The median home price in Waipio is $536,300, which comes out to $289,000 (53%) lower than Aiea. Rent there is somewhat less expensive. The median monthly rent in Waipio is $1,827, which is $529 (28%) lower than Aiea.
Waikele is approximately 5 miles west of Aiea. The housing prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home value in Waikele is $508,000, which comes out to $317,300 (62%) lower than Aiea. Rents there are similar. In Waikele the median monthly rent is $2,317, which comes out to $39 (1%) lower than Aiea.