Home prices
The median home in Knik River is valued at $196,100. Compared to the surrounding areas this is approximately $64,980 (24%) lower.It is roughly $21,400 (9%) lower in comparison to the rest of the nation, and it is about $118,700 (37%) lower compared to the city of Anchorage.
Knik River's median monthly rent is $846. It is approximately $218 (20%) lower in comparison to its nearby areas.It is about $216 (20%) lower in comparison to the rest of the nation, and is approximately $474 (35%) lower compared to the city of Anchorage.
Nearby places
Butte is Knik River's neighbor to the northwest. Housing prices there are a bit more expensive. Butte's median home price is $254,400, which comes out to $58,300 (22%) higher than Knik River. Rents there are somewhat more expensive. The median rent in Butte is $1,219 a month, which is $373 (30%) higher than Knik River.
Lazy Mountain
Lazy Mountain is approximately 8 miles north from Knik River. Real estate prices there are somewhat more expensive. The cost of the median home in Lazy Mountain is $259,700, which is $63,600 (24%) higher than Knik River. The rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median monthly rent in Lazy Mountain is $1,033, which comes out to $187 (18%) higher than Knik River.
Palmer is roughly 8 miles northwest of Knik River. The real estate prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home in Palmer is valued at $207,200, which works out to $11,100 (5%) higher than Knik River. The rent there is a little more expensive. Palmer's median monthly rent is $976, which works out to $130 (13%) higher than Knik River.
Farm Loop
Farm Loop is roughly 10 miles northwest from Knik River. Real estate prices there are a little more expensive. The median home in Farm Loop is valued at $263,000, which comes out to $66,900 (25%) higher than Knik River. The rent there is a bit more expensive. The median rent in Farm Loop is $975 a month, which is $129 (13%) higher than Knik River.
Gateway is approximately 10 miles northwest from Knik River. Housing prices there are substantially more expensive. The cost of the median home in Gateway is $321,100, which is $125,000 (38%) higher than Knik River. Rent there is a little more expensive. Gateway's median rent is $1,117 a month, which comes out to $271 (24%) higher than Knik River.