Home prices
The median home value in Anchorage is $314,800. It is about $94,917 (43%) higher in comparison to the surrounding areas.It is roughly $97,300 (44%) higher compared to the entire country.
In Anchorage the median monthly rent is $1,320. This is about $275 (26%) higher compared to its surrounding areas.It is about $258 (24%) higher compared to the US as a whole.
Nearby places
Knik River
Knik River is Anchorage's neighbor to the northeast. The housing prices there are substantially less expensive. The median home in Knik River costs $196,100, which works out to $118,700 (60%) lower than Anchorage. Its rents are a lot less expensive. Knik River's median monthly rent is $846, which is $474 (56%) lower than Anchorage.
Whittier is Anchorage's neighbor to the southeast. The housing prices there are significantly less expensive. The price of the median home in Whittier is $63,100, which comes out to $251,700 (398%) lower than Anchorage. Rent there is a lot less expensive. In Whittier the median rent is $875 per month, which works out to $445 (50%) lower than Anchorage.
Butte is about 17 miles north from Anchorage. Housing prices there are a bit less expensive. The value of the median home in Butte is $254,400, which comes out to $60,400 (23%) lower than Anchorage. Its rents are a little less expensive. Butte's median rent is $1,219 per month, which works out to $101 (8%) lower than Anchorage.
Gateway is about 18 miles north from Anchorage. Its real estate prices are pretty similar. The median home in Gateway is valued at $321,100, which is $6,300 (1%) higher than Anchorage. Its rents are a little less expensive. Gateway's median monthly rent is $1,117, which is $203 (18%) lower than Anchorage.
Palmer is about 19 miles north from Anchorage. Its housing prices are a lot less expensive. The price of the median home in Palmer is $207,200, which works out to $107,600 (51%) lower than Anchorage. The rent there is significantly less expensive. In Palmer the median monthly rent is $976, which works out to $344 (35%) lower than Anchorage.
Lakes is approximately 20 miles north of Anchorage. Real estate prices there are a bit less expensive. The median home in Lakes is valued at $277,400, which works out to $37,400 (13%) lower than Anchorage. Its rents are a bit less expensive. Lakes's median monthly rent is $1,236, which comes out to $84 (6%) lower than Anchorage.