Home prices
The median home in Kalifornsky is valued at $251,400. Compared to its nearby areas it is roughly $23,920 (10%) higher.Compared to the US as a whole it is about $33,900 (15%) higher, and compared to the city of Anchorage it is roughly $63,400 (20%) lower.
In Kalifornsky the median monthly rent is $1,254. It is approximately $231 (22%) higher compared to the surrounding areas.It is roughly $192 (18%) higher compared to the US as a whole, and compared to the city of Anchorage is approximately $66 (5%) lower.
Nearby places
Soldotna is Kalifornsky's neighbor to the northeast. Its real estate prices are somewhat less expensive. Soldotna's median home cost is $211,400, which is $40,000 (18%) lower than Kalifornsky. Its rents are somewhat less expensive. Soldotna's median rent is $1,019 a month, which is $235 (23%) lower than Kalifornsky.
Kenai is Kalifornsky's neighbor to the north. The housing prices there are a bit less expensive. Kenai's median home value is $229,100, which is $22,300 (9%) lower than Kalifornsky. Rent there is substantially less expensive. In Kenai the median monthly rent is $950, which works out to $304 (32%) lower than Kalifornsky.
Ridgeway is Kalifornsky's neighbor to the northeast. Its real estate prices are fairly similar. The median home price in Ridgeway is $257,400, which is $6,000 (2%) higher than Kalifornsky. Rent there is a little more expensive. In Ridgeway the median monthly rent is $1,564, which is $310 (19%) higher than Kalifornsky.
Cohoe is Kalifornsky's neighbor to the south. The real estate prices there are a little less expensive. The median home cost in Cohoe is $209,700, which is $41,700 (19%) lower than Kalifornsky. Rent there is a lot less expensive. The median rent in Cohoe is $708 per month, which is $546 (77%) lower than Kalifornsky.
Salamatof is approximately 8 miles northwest of Kalifornsky. Real estate prices there are a bit less expensive. Salamatof's median home cost is $229,800, which works out to $21,600 (9%) lower than Kalifornsky. Its rents are substantially less expensive. Salamatof's median monthly rent is $875, which works out to $379 (43%) lower than Kalifornsky.