Home prices
Deltana's median home value is $197,900. In comparison to its nearby areas this is roughly $67,267 (25%) lower.It is roughly $19,600 (9%) lower in comparison to the entire nation.
The median monthly rent in Deltana is $1,272. This is about $356 (38%) higher in comparison to its nearby areas.In comparison to the country as a whole it is about $210 (19%) higher.
Nearby places
Delta Junction
Delta Junction is Deltana's neighbor to the northwest. The housing prices there are a little more expensive. Delta Junction's median home price is $222,200, which comes out to $24,300 (10%) higher than Deltana. Rents there are significantly less expensive. In Delta Junction the median rent is $898 per month, which comes out to $374 (41%) lower than Deltana.
Big Delta
Big Delta is Deltana's neighbor to the northwest. Its real estate prices are somewhat less expensive. The median home value in Big Delta is $152,200, which is $45,700 (30%) lower than Deltana. Rents there are a bit less expensive. Big Delta's median rent is $1,188 per month, which comes out to $84 (7%) lower than Deltana.
Salcha is roughly 52 miles northwest from Deltana. Its real estate prices are a bit less expensive. The price of the median home in Salcha is $170,500, which works out to $27,400 (16%) lower than Deltana. The rent there is pretty similar. Salcha's median rent is $1,336 a month, which is $64 (4%) higher than Deltana.
Gakona is roughly 61 miles south of Deltana. Its housing prices are a lot more expensive. The median home in Gakona is valued at $656,300, which comes out to $458,400 (69%) higher than Deltana. The rent there is a lot less expensive. Gakona's median rent is $425 a month, which is $847 (199%) lower than Deltana.
Glennallen is roughly 72 miles south from Deltana. Its housing prices are a bit more expensive. The price of the median home in Glennallen is $235,600, which works out to $37,700 (16%) higher than Deltana. Rents there are significantly less expensive. Glennallen's median monthly rent is $873, which comes out to $399 (45%) lower than Deltana.
Copper Center
Copper Center is approximately 76 miles south of Deltana. Real estate prices there are a bit less expensive. Copper Center's median home price is $154,200, which comes out to $43,700 (28%) lower than Deltana. Rent there is significantly less expensive. Copper Center's median rent is $775 per month, which comes out to $497 (64%) lower than Deltana.