Home prices
Copper Center's median home cost is $154,200. It is about $174,320 (53%) lower in comparison to the surrounding areas.Compared to the United States as a whole it is approximately $63,300 (29%) lower, and compared to the city of Valdez it is roughly $14,400 (8%) lower.
The median rent in Copper Center is $775 a month. It is about $143 (15%) lower compared to nearby areas.In comparison to the country as a whole it is approximately $287 (27%) lower, and in comparison to the city of Valdez it is about $417 (34%) lower.
Nearby places
Glennallen is approximately 13 miles northwest from Copper Center. The real estate prices there are a lot more expensive. The median home cost in Glennallen is $235,600, which is $81,400 (34%) higher than Copper Center. Rents there are a bit more expensive. Glennallen's median monthly rent is $873, which works out to $98 (11%) higher than Copper Center.
Gakona is approximately 15 miles north from Copper Center. The housing prices there are a lot more expensive. The median home in Gakona is valued at $656,300, which comes out to $502,100 (76%) higher than Copper Center. Its rents are substantially less expensive. In Gakona the median monthly rent is $425, which is $350 (82%) lower than Copper Center.
Cordova is about 62 miles south from Copper Center. Housing prices there are significantly more expensive. The cost of the median home in Cordova is $330,600, which works out to $176,400 (53%) higher than Copper Center. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median monthly rent in Cordova is $1,122, which comes out to $347 (30%) higher than Copper Center.
Deltana is approximately 76 miles north from Copper Center. The real estate prices there are a bit more expensive. The median home in Deltana is valued at $197,900, which works out to $43,700 (22%) higher than Copper Center. Its rents are substantially more expensive. The median rent in Deltana is $1,272 per month, which works out to $497 (39%) higher than Copper Center.
Delta Junction
Delta Junction is approximately 84 miles north of Copper Center. Its real estate prices are a bit more expensive. The median home in Delta Junction is valued at $222,200, which comes out to $68,000 (30%) higher than Copper Center. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median rent in Delta Junction is $898 per month, which works out to $123 (13%) higher than Copper Center.