Home prices
Onancock's median home value is $217,600. This is about $66,580 (44%) higher in comparison to its surrounding areas.In comparison to the United States as a whole it is is very similar, and compared to the city of Virginia Beach is about $63,200 (22%) lower.
In Onancock the median monthly rent is $852. This is roughly $54 (6%) higher in comparison to other places in this area.It is approximately $210 (19%) lower in comparison to the rest of the country, and in comparison to the city of Virginia Beach it is about $515 (37%) lower.
Nearby places
Onley is about 1 mile southeast from Onancock. The housing prices there are somewhat less expensive. The median home cost in Onley is $197,300, which works out to $20,300 (10%) lower than Onancock. Rent there is a lot less expensive. Onley's median monthly rent is $643, which is $209 (32%) lower than Onancock.
Accomac is about 3 miles east from Onancock. Real estate prices there are a lot less expensive. The cost of the median home in Accomac is $159,700, which works out to $57,900 (36%) lower than Onancock. Rents there are a little less expensive. The median rent in Accomac is $763 a month, which comes out to $89 (11%) lower than Onancock.
Melfa is roughly 4 miles south from Onancock. Real estate prices there are substantially less expensive. The median home in Melfa is valued at $144,400, which comes out to $73,200 (50%) lower than Onancock. The rent there is fairly similar. In Melfa the median rent is $867 a month, which works out to $15 (1%) higher than Onancock.
Keller is roughly 6 miles south from Onancock. Real estate prices there are significantly less expensive. Keller's median home value is $114,300, which comes out to $103,300 (90%) lower than Onancock. Rent there is similar. The median monthly rent in Keller is $830, which is $22 (2%) lower than Onancock.
Parksley is about 6 miles northeast from Onancock. The housing prices there are substantially less expensive. The median home in Parksley is valued at $139,400, which is $78,200 (56%) lower than Onancock. Rents there are similar. In Parksley the median rent is $885 per month, which works out to $33 (3%) higher than Onancock.