Home prices
The value of the median home in South Connellsville is $70,200. In comparison to other places in this area it is approximately $7,640 (9%) lower.It is about $147,300 (67%) lower compared to the entire nation, and in comparison to the city of Pittsburgh it is about $54,800 (43%) lower.
South Connellsville's median monthly rent is $701. In comparison to nearby areas it is about $25 (3%) higher.Compared to the rest of the country it is about $361 (33%) lower, and is approximately $257 (26%) lower compared to the city of Pittsburgh.
Nearby places
Connellsville is South Connellsville's neighbor to the north. The real estate prices there are a bit more expensive. The median home price in Connellsville is $102,300, which is $32,100 (31%) higher than South Connellsville. Rents there are substantially less expensive. The median rent in Connellsville is $497 a month, which works out to $204 (41%) lower than South Connellsville.
Dunbar is about 1 mile southwest of South Connellsville. The housing prices there are fairly similar. The value of the median home in Dunbar is $69,700, which is very similar to South Connellsville. The rent there is pretty similar. The median rent in Dunbar is $713 a month, which is $12 (1%) higher than South Connellsville.
Vanderbilt is about 4 miles northwest from South Connellsville. Housing prices there are a bit more expensive. Vanderbilt's median home price is $75,900, which comes out to $5,700 (7%) higher than South Connellsville. Rents there are somewhat less expensive. Vanderbilt's median monthly rent is $660, which comes out to $41 (6%) lower than South Connellsville.
Dawson is about 4 miles northwest of South Connellsville. Its real estate prices are a little less expensive. The median home in Dawson costs $65,400, which is $4,800 (7%) lower than South Connellsville. Its rents are somewhat more expensive. The median monthly rent in Dawson is $782, which is $81 (10%) higher than South Connellsville.
Everson is approximately 6 miles north from South Connellsville. Real estate prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home in Everson is valued at $75,900, which is $5,700 (7%) higher than South Connellsville. Rent there is fairly similar. In Everson the median monthly rent is $730, which works out to $29 (3%) higher than South Connellsville.