Home prices
The median home in Ripley is valued at $116,000. In comparison to nearby areas this is about $40,740 (54%) higher.In comparison to the rest of the nation it is about $101,500 (46%) lower, and is about $14,200 (13%) higher in comparison to the city of Memphis.
Ripley's median monthly rent is $599. This is is very similar in comparison to its nearby areas.It is about $463 (43%) lower in comparison to the rest of the country, and in comparison to the city of Memphis it is about $302 (33%) lower.
Nearby places
Blue Mountain
Blue Mountain is about 5 miles southwest of Ripley. The housing prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home in Blue Mountain is valued at $68,600, which works out to $47,400 (69%) lower than Ripley. The rent there is substantially less expensive. In Blue Mountain the median rent is $419 a month, which comes out to $180 (42%) lower than Ripley.
Falkner is roughly 7 miles north of Ripley. Housing prices there are a lot less expensive. Falkner's median home price is $60,800, which is $55,200 (90%) lower than Ripley. Its rents are somewhat less expensive. Falkner's median rent is $528 a month, which comes out to $71 (13%) lower than Ripley.
Dumas is approximately 8 miles southeast from Ripley. Housing prices there are significantly less expensive. The median home in Dumas is valued at $87,100, which works out to $28,900 (33%) lower than Ripley. Its rents are a bit more expensive. In Dumas the median rent is $719 a month, which is $120 (16%) higher than Ripley.
Ashland is approximately 13 miles northwest of Ripley. Housing prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home in Ashland is valued at $83,000, which comes out to $33,000 (39%) lower than Ripley. Its rents are pretty similar. In Ashland the median rent is $613 per month, which comes out to $14 (2%) higher than Ripley.
Jumpertown is roughly 14 miles east of Ripley. Real estate prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home in Jumpertown costs $76,800, which comes out to $39,200 (51%) lower than Ripley. The rent there is a little more expensive. The median rent in Jumpertown is $688 a month, which comes out to $89 (12%) higher than Ripley.