Home prices
The median home value in Como is $134,200. Compared to the surrounding areas this is about $40,160 (42%) higher.It is about $83,300 (38%) lower in comparison to the entire nation, and is approximately $32,400 (31%) higher compared to the city of Memphis.
Como's median monthly rent is $600. In comparison to its surrounding areas this is roughly $130 (17%) lower.It is roughly $462 (43%) lower in comparison to the entire nation, and compared to the city of Memphis is roughly $301 (33%) lower.
Nearby places
Sardis is about 5 miles south from Como. Housing prices there are significantly less expensive. The price of the median home in Sardis is $71,900, which comes out to $62,300 (86%) lower than Como. Rents there are pretty similar. Sardis's median monthly rent is $628, which is $28 (4%) higher than Como.
Senatobia is about 7 miles north from Como. The housing prices there are similar. The median home in Senatobia costs $137,300, which works out to $3,100 (2%) higher than Como. Rent there is a little more expensive. The median monthly rent in Senatobia is $704, which works out to $104 (14%) higher than Como.
Crenshaw is roughly 12 miles west of Como. Its real estate prices are substantially less expensive. The median home value in Crenshaw is $50,200, which is $84,000 (167%) lower than Como. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median monthly rent in Crenshaw is $755, which is $155 (20%) higher than Como.
Coldwater is about 12 miles north from Como. The housing prices there are significantly less expensive. Coldwater's median home price is $74,400, which works out to $59,800 (80%) lower than Como. Its rents are a bit more expensive. The median monthly rent in Coldwater is $800, which is $200 (25%) higher than Como.
Batesville is roughly 14 miles south from Como. Housing prices there are pretty similar. Batesville's median home cost is $136,400, which works out to $2,200 (1%) higher than Como. Its rents are a little more expensive. In Batesville the median rent is $763 per month, which is $163 (21%) higher than Como.