Home prices
Arcola's median home value is $41,700. In comparison to the surrounding areas this is approximately $37,100 (47%) lower.In comparison to the country as a whole it is about $175,800 (80%) lower, and in comparison to the city of Jackson is approximately $49,000 (54%) lower.
In Arcola the median rent is $558 per month. This is about $99 (15%) lower in comparison to its nearby areas.It is roughly $504 (47%) lower compared to the rest of the nation, and in comparison to the city of Jackson it is roughly $289 (34%) lower.
Nearby places
Hollandale is about 7 miles south from Arcola. The real estate prices there are a lot more expensive. The cost of the median home in Hollandale is $74,300, which works out to $32,600 (43%) higher than Arcola. Its rents are pretty similar. Hollandale's median monthly rent is $540, which is $18 (3%) lower than Arcola.
Leland is about 9 miles north of Arcola. Real estate prices there are substantially more expensive. The median home price in Leland is $75,000, which is $33,300 (44%) higher than Arcola. The rent there is a bit more expensive. The median monthly rent in Leland is $643, which comes out to $85 (13%) higher than Arcola.
Greenville is about 12 miles northwest from Arcola. The housing prices there are a lot more expensive. The cost of the median home in Greenville is $78,300, which works out to $36,600 (46%) higher than Arcola. Its rents are somewhat more expensive. In Greenville the median monthly rent is $694, which is $136 (19%) higher than Arcola.
Inverness is approximately 15 miles northeast from Arcola. The housing prices there are substantially more expensive. Inverness's median home cost is $90,000, which is $48,300 (53%) higher than Arcola. Rents there are somewhat more expensive. Inverness's median monthly rent is $713, which works out to $155 (21%) higher than Arcola.
Indianola is approximately 17 miles northeast from Arcola. Real estate prices there are significantly more expensive. The median home in Indianola costs $76,400, which is $34,700 (45%) higher than Arcola. The rent there is a bit more expensive. Indianola's median rent is $693 a month, which is $135 (19%) higher than Arcola.