Home prices
Bloomsdale's median home price is $173,900. It is about $68,380 (64%) higher in comparison to other places in this area.Compared to the United States as a whole it is about $43,600 (20%) lower, and compared to the city of St. Louis it is roughly $35,200 (25%) higher.
The median rent in Bloomsdale is $488 per month. In comparison to other places in this area it is approximately $247 (33%) lower.It is about $574 (54%) lower compared to the entire nation, and in comparison to the city of St. Louis is approximately $340 (41%) lower.
Nearby places
Prairie du Rocher
Prairie du Rocher is roughly 7 miles northeast from Bloomsdale. The housing prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home in Prairie du Rocher is valued at $79,300, which is $94,600 (119%) lower than Bloomsdale. The rent there is significantly more expensive. Prairie du Rocher's median rent is $775 a month, which is $287 (37%) higher than Bloomsdale.
Ste. Genevieve
Ste. Genevieve is roughly 8 miles east of Bloomsdale. Real estate prices there are substantially less expensive. The value of the median home in Ste. Genevieve is $121,700, which works out to $52,200 (42%) lower than Bloomsdale. Its rents are a little more expensive. The median rent in Ste. Genevieve is $711 per month, which comes out to $223 (31%) higher than Bloomsdale.
Ruma is roughly 13 miles northeast from Bloomsdale. The housing prices there are a little less expensive. The median home price in Ruma is $164,700, which comes out to $9,200 (5%) lower than Bloomsdale. The rent there is significantly more expensive. The median monthly rent in Ruma is $745, which comes out to $257 (34%) higher than Bloomsdale.
Olympian Village
Olympian Village is approximately 13 miles northwest from Bloomsdale. Its housing prices are substantially less expensive. Olympian Village's median home value is $96,700, which is $77,200 (79%) lower than Bloomsdale. Its rents are a lot more expensive. In Olympian Village the median rent is $936 a month, which is $448 (47%) higher than Bloomsdale.
Evansville is about 14 miles east from Bloomsdale. The real estate prices there are significantly less expensive. Evansville's median home value is $65,200, which works out to $108,700 (166%) lower than Bloomsdale. The rent there is similar. Evansville's median rent is $508 a month, which is $20 (3%) higher than Bloomsdale.