Home prices
The median home in Tabor is valued at $115,300. It is roughly $23,500 (25%) higher compared to its nearby areas.In comparison to the rest of the country it is about $102,200 (46%) lower, and is roughly $44,400 (27%) lower in comparison to the city of Omaha.
Tabor's median monthly rent is $700. Compared to the surrounding areas it is about $17 (2%) lower.It is roughly $362 (34%) lower in comparison to the nation as a whole, and compared to the city of Omaha it is roughly $223 (24%) lower.
Nearby places
Randolph is approximately 5 miles east from Tabor. Housing prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home in Randolph is valued at $82,800, which works out to $32,500 (39%) lower than Tabor. The rent there is a little less expensive. In Randolph the median monthly rent is $625, which is $75 (12%) lower than Tabor.
Thurman is roughly 6 miles southwest from Tabor. Housing prices there are significantly less expensive. The median home cost in Thurman is $80,000, which comes out to $35,300 (44%) lower than Tabor. The rent there is pretty similar. The median monthly rent in Thurman is $733, which comes out to $33 (4%) higher than Tabor.
Malvern is approximately 8 miles northeast from Tabor. Its housing prices are pretty similar. The median home in Malvern costs $110,500, which comes out to $4,800 (4%) lower than Tabor. Its rents are somewhat more expensive. In Malvern the median monthly rent is $784, which works out to $84 (10%) higher than Tabor.
Pacific Junction
Pacific Junction is about 9 miles northwest of Tabor. Housing prices there are substantially less expensive. The median home in Pacific Junction is valued at $83,500, which comes out to $31,800 (38%) lower than Tabor. Rent there is a little more expensive. In Pacific Junction the median rent is $861 a month, which comes out to $161 (18%) higher than Tabor.
Sidney is roughly 10 miles south of Tabor. The real estate prices there are somewhat less expensive. Sidney's median home cost is $102,200, which is $13,100 (12%) lower than Tabor. Its rents are a bit less expensive. In Sidney the median monthly rent is $580, which works out to $120 (20%) lower than Tabor.