Home prices
The median home in McCausland is valued at $136,800. In comparison to its nearby areas it is approximately $32,420 (19%) lower.In comparison to the United States as a whole it is about $80,700 (37%) lower, and it is about $11,100 (8%) higher compared to the city of Peoria.
The median monthly rent in McCausland is $1,200. Compared to nearby areas it is roughly $241 (25%) higher.It is about $138 (12%) higher compared to the entire country, and in comparison to the city of Peoria it is about $394 (48%) higher.
Nearby places
Park View
Park View is roughly 5 miles southwest from McCausland. The housing prices there are a little more expensive. The median home price in Park View is $171,000, which comes out to $34,200 (19%) higher than McCausland. Its rents are a bit less expensive. The median rent in Park View is $926 per month, which is $274 (29%) lower than McCausland.
Low Moor
Low Moor is approximately 5 miles northeast of McCausland. The real estate prices there are a lot less expensive. Low Moor's median home cost is $93,500, which comes out to $43,300 (46%) lower than McCausland. Rent there is a lot less expensive. Low Moor's median monthly rent is $775, which works out to $425 (54%) lower than McCausland.
Princeton is about 6 miles southeast from McCausland. Its real estate prices are a little more expensive. The value of the median home in Princeton is $179,800, which comes out to $43,000 (23%) higher than McCausland. Rent there is substantially less expensive. The median rent in Princeton is $750 a month, which works out to $450 (60%) lower than McCausland.
DeWitt is approximately 6 miles northwest from McCausland. Real estate prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home in DeWitt is valued at $146,000, which comes out to $9,200 (6%) higher than McCausland. The rent there is a lot less expensive. DeWitt's median rent is $808 per month, which comes out to $392 (48%) lower than McCausland.
Long Grove
Long Grove is approximately 6 miles southwest from McCausland. The real estate prices there are significantly more expensive. The median home in Long Grove is valued at $255,800, which is $119,000 (46%) higher than McCausland. The rent there is a little more expensive. The median monthly rent in Long Grove is $1,536, which comes out to $336 (21%) higher than McCausland.