Home prices
The median home in Irwin is valued at $67,400. It is about $10,400 (13%) lower compared to other places in this area.Compared to the entire country it is approximately $150,100 (69%) lower, and it is about $92,300 (57%) lower in comparison to the city of Omaha.
The median rent in Irwin is $542 per month. Compared to its nearby areas it is roughly $68 (11%) lower.It is roughly $520 (48%) lower compared to the nation as a whole, and compared to the city of Omaha is approximately $381 (41%) lower.
Nearby places
Kirkman is approximately 4 miles southwest from Irwin. Its housing prices are somewhat less expensive. The median home in Kirkman is valued at $56,900, which works out to $10,500 (18%) lower than Irwin. Rent there is substantially more expensive. The median monthly rent in Kirkman is $933, which is $391 (41%) higher than Irwin.
Defiance is approximately 6 miles west from Irwin. The real estate prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home cost in Defiance is $77,500, which is $10,100 (13%) higher than Irwin. Rent there is pretty similar. The median monthly rent in Defiance is $550, which works out to $8 (1%) higher than Irwin.
Manilla is roughly 6 miles north from Irwin. The housing prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home in Manilla is valued at $75,100, which comes out to $7,700 (10%) higher than Irwin. The rent there is somewhat less expensive. Manilla's median monthly rent is $489, which comes out to $53 (10%) lower than Irwin.
Earling is about 9 miles west of Irwin. Housing prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home in Earling costs $86,100, which works out to $18,700 (21%) higher than Irwin. The rent there is similar. The median monthly rent in Earling is $525, which comes out to $17 (3%) lower than Irwin.
Manning is about 10 miles northeast of Irwin. Its housing prices are a little more expensive. The cost of the median home in Manning is $93,400, which is $26,000 (27%) higher than Irwin. The rent there is fairly similar. The median monthly rent in Manning is $553, which comes out to $11 (1%) higher than Irwin.