Home prices
The median home cost in Epworth is $167,400. Compared to nearby areas it is about $28,640 (14%) lower.Compared to the rest of the country it is roughly $50,100 (23%) lower, and is approximately $25,600 (18%) higher compared to the city of Cedar Rapids.
Epworth's median rent is $704 per month. In comparison to other places in this area this is roughly $17 (2%) lower.In comparison to the United States as a whole it is about $358 (33%) lower, and it is roughly $63 (8%) lower compared to the city of Cedar Rapids.
Nearby places
Farley is about 3 miles west from Epworth. Its real estate prices are fairly similar. Farley's median home cost is $160,500, which is $6,900 (4%) lower than Epworth. Rent there is a bit more expensive. The median rent in Farley is $806 a month, which is $102 (12%) higher than Epworth.
Peosta is approximately 3 miles east of Epworth. Housing prices there are a little more expensive. The value of the median home in Peosta is $231,600, which is $64,200 (27%) higher than Epworth. Its rents are a little less expensive. The median monthly rent in Peosta is $560, which is $144 (25%) lower than Epworth.
Centralia is roughly 4 miles east from Epworth. Its housing prices are fairly similar. The median home in Centralia is valued at $173,400, which is $6,000 (3%) higher than Epworth. Rent there is a little more expensive. Centralia's median monthly rent is $742, which comes out to $38 (5%) higher than Epworth.
Asbury is roughly 7 miles northeast of Epworth. Housing prices there are significantly more expensive. The median home in Asbury is valued at $255,500, which comes out to $88,100 (34%) higher than Epworth. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. Asbury's median rent is $766 a month, which comes out to $62 (8%) higher than Epworth.
Dyersville is roughly 8 miles west of Epworth. The housing prices there are a little less expensive. Dyersville's median home value is $159,200, which works out to $8,200 (5%) lower than Epworth. Its rents are fairly similar. In Dyersville the median rent is $733 per month, which is $29 (3%) higher than Epworth.