Home prices
The price of the median home in Ackley is $76,700. This is about $20,000 (20%) lower in comparison to the surrounding areas.Compared to the US as a whole it is approximately $140,800 (64%) lower, and it is roughly $56,500 (42%) lower in comparison to the city of Des Moines.
Ackley's median rent is $544 a month. Compared to its surrounding areas this is roughly $60 (9%) lower.In comparison to the entire country it is approximately $518 (48%) lower, and compared to the city of Des Moines it is roughly $311 (36%) lower.
Nearby places
Aplington is roughly 7 miles east from Ackley. Real estate prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home in Aplington is valued at $92,100, which comes out to $15,400 (16%) higher than Ackley. Rents there are a little more expensive. In Aplington the median rent is $599 per month, which works out to $55 (9%) higher than Ackley.
Steamboat Rock
Steamboat Rock is about 9 miles south from Ackley. Housing prices there are a little less expensive. Steamboat Rock's median home cost is $66,500, which is $10,200 (15%) lower than Ackley. Its rents are a little more expensive. In Steamboat Rock the median rent is $584 a month, which works out to $40 (6%) higher than Ackley.
Wellsburg is about 9 miles southeast from Ackley. The real estate prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home price in Wellsburg is $82,900, which is $6,200 (7%) higher than Ackley. The rent there is a little less expensive. Wellsburg's median rent is $513 per month, which is $31 (6%) lower than Ackley.
Iowa Falls
Iowa Falls is about 9 miles west of Ackley. Its real estate prices are a bit more expensive. The median home in Iowa Falls is valued at $88,200, which comes out to $11,500 (13%) higher than Ackley. The rent there is somewhat more expensive. In Iowa Falls the median rent is $750 a month, which is $206 (27%) higher than Ackley.
Parkersburg is roughly 11 miles east from Ackley. Its real estate prices are a lot more expensive. The median home in Parkersburg costs $153,800, which comes out to $77,100 (50%) higher than Ackley. The rent there is pretty similar. Parkersburg's median rent is $572 a month, which works out to $28 (4%) higher than Ackley.