Home prices
The median home in Ocean Pointe is valued at $665,200. It is approximately $88,980 (15%) higher in comparison to other places in this area.In comparison to the rest of the nation it is about $447,700 (205%) higher, and compared to the city of Urban Honolulu it is approximately $17,800 (2%) lower.
The median rent in Ocean Pointe is $3,013 per month. In comparison to other places in this area it is approximately $1,440 (91%) higher.In comparison to the rest of the nation it is approximately $1,951 (183%) higher, and in comparison to the city of Urban Honolulu it is approximately $1,522 (102%) higher.
Nearby places
Ewa Beach
Ewa Beach is Ocean Pointe's neighbor to the east. The housing prices there are a little less expensive. The median home in Ewa Beach is valued at $551,200, which works out to $114,000 (20%) lower than Ocean Pointe. Rents there are a lot less expensive. In Ewa Beach the median rent is $1,678 a month, which comes out to $1,335 (79%) lower than Ocean Pointe.
Ewa Gentry
Ewa Gentry is Ocean Pointe's neighbor to the north. The housing prices there are a little less expensive. The median home in Ewa Gentry is valued at $568,300, which is $96,900 (17%) lower than Ocean Pointe. The rent there is significantly less expensive. The median rent in Ewa Gentry is $1,972 per month, which is $1,041 (52%) lower than Ocean Pointe.
Ewa Villages
Ewa Villages is roughly 2 miles north from Ocean Pointe. The housing prices there are a little less expensive. Ewa Villages's median home value is $577,800, which is $87,400 (15%) lower than Ocean Pointe. Rents there are a lot less expensive. Ewa Villages's median rent is $1,082 a month, which comes out to $1,931 (178%) lower than Ocean Pointe.
Kapolei is roughly 3 miles northwest from Ocean Pointe. The housing prices there are a bit less expensive. The value of the median home in Kapolei is $570,800, which is $94,400 (16%) lower than Ocean Pointe. Rents there are significantly less expensive. Kapolei's median monthly rent is $1,889, which works out to $1,124 (59%) lower than Ocean Pointe.
West Loch Estate
West Loch Estate is approximately 3 miles north from Ocean Pointe. Its housing prices are a little less expensive. The cost of the median home in West Loch Estate is $613,000, which comes out to $52,200 (8%) lower than Ocean Pointe. Rent there is a lot less expensive. The median rent in West Loch Estate is $1,243 a month, which is $1,770 (142%) lower than Ocean Pointe.