Home prices
Naalehu's median home cost is $172,400. This is approximately $90,060 (34%) lower in comparison to the surrounding areas.It is roughly $45,100 (20%) lower in comparison to the United States as a whole, and is about $156,800 (47%) lower in comparison to the city of Hilo.
The median rent in Naalehu is $889 per month. This is roughly $135 (13%) lower compared to its surrounding areas.It is approximately $173 (16%) lower in comparison to the nation as a whole, and in comparison to the city of Hilo it is roughly $156 (14%) lower.
Nearby places
Waiohinu is Naalehu's neighbor to the west. The real estate prices there are somewhat more expensive. The value of the median home in Waiohinu is $227,900, which works out to $55,500 (24%) higher than Naalehu. Rent there is similar. In Waiohinu the median rent is $907 a month, which works out to $18 (1%) higher than Naalehu.
Discovery Harbour
Discovery Harbour is roughly 3 miles southwest from Naalehu. The real estate prices there are significantly more expensive. The price of the median home in Discovery Harbour is $299,600, which works out to $127,200 (42%) higher than Naalehu. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. In Discovery Harbour the median rent is $1,257 a month, which comes out to $368 (29%) higher than Naalehu.
Pahala is approximately 12 miles northeast from Naalehu. Its housing prices are a little more expensive. The median home value in Pahala is $202,900, which is $30,500 (15%) higher than Naalehu. Rent there is a bit less expensive. Pahala's median monthly rent is $825, which works out to $64 (7%) lower than Naalehu.
Hawaiian Ocean View
Hawaiian Ocean View is about 12 miles west of Naalehu. Housing prices there are a bit less expensive. Hawaiian Ocean View's median home price is $135,000, which is $37,400 (27%) lower than Naalehu. Rents there are similar. In Hawaiian Ocean View the median rent is $875 a month, which comes out to $14 (1%) lower than Naalehu.
Honaunau-Napoopoo is about 36 miles northwest from Naalehu. Housing prices there are substantially more expensive. The median home value in Honaunau-Napoopoo is $446,900, which works out to $274,500 (61%) higher than Naalehu. Rents there are a little more expensive. Honaunau-Napoopoo's median rent is $1,254 a month, which comes out to $365 (29%) higher than Naalehu.