Home prices
Maalaea's median home cost is $390,600. This is approximately $203,020 (34%) lower in comparison to nearby areas.Compared to the nation as a whole it is approximately $173,100 (79%) higher, and in comparison to the city of Kihei is approximately $199,600 (33%) lower.
The median rent in Maalaea is $1,603 per month. In comparison to the surrounding areas it is is very similar.It is approximately $541 (50%) higher compared to the United States as a whole, and in comparison to the city of Kihei is approximately $39 (2%) lower.
Nearby places
Waikapu is Maalaea's neighbor to the northwest. Housing prices there are substantially more expensive. The median home in Waikapu is valued at $625,900, which works out to $235,300 (37%) higher than Maalaea. Rent there is a little more expensive. The median monthly rent in Waikapu is $2,250, which comes out to $647 (28%) higher than Maalaea.
Kahului is about 5 miles north of Maalaea. Its real estate prices are significantly more expensive. Kahului's median home price is $606,600, which works out to $216,000 (35%) higher than Maalaea. The rent there is a little less expensive. The median rent in Kahului is $1,346 a month, which works out to $257 (19%) lower than Maalaea.
Wailuku is approximately 6 miles north from Maalaea. Its housing prices are a little more expensive. The value of the median home in Wailuku is $544,900, which comes out to $154,300 (28%) higher than Maalaea. Rents there are a bit less expensive. The median monthly rent in Wailuku is $1,285, which is $318 (24%) lower than Maalaea.
Pukalani is about 9 miles east from Maalaea. Housing prices there are significantly more expensive. The value of the median home in Pukalani is $674,300, which works out to $283,700 (42%) higher than Maalaea. Rents there are somewhat more expensive. The median rent in Pukalani is $1,802 a month, which works out to $199 (11%) higher than Maalaea.
Waihee-Waiehu is roughly 9 miles north of Maalaea. The real estate prices there are a bit more expensive. The median home in Waihee-Waiehu is valued at $516,400, which comes out to $125,800 (24%) higher than Maalaea. Rents there are somewhat less expensive. Waihee-Waiehu's median monthly rent is $1,347, which works out to $256 (19%) lower than Maalaea.