Home prices
Leilani Estates's median home value is $213,300. Compared to other places in this area this is about $17,200 (8%) higher.It is approximately $4,200 (1%) lower in comparison to the nation as a whole, and in comparison to the city of Hilo is approximately $115,900 (35%) lower.
In Leilani Estates the median rent is $666 per month. In comparison to its surrounding areas it is about $431 (39%) lower.In comparison to the US as a whole it is approximately $396 (37%) lower, and compared to the city of Hilo it is about $379 (36%) lower.
Nearby places
Pahoa is approximately 3 miles northwest of Leilani Estates. Housing prices there are a little more expensive. The median home price in Pahoa is $228,400, which works out to $15,100 (6%) higher than Leilani Estates. Its rents are somewhat more expensive. The median monthly rent in Pahoa is $838, which comes out to $172 (20%) higher than Leilani Estates.
Nanawale Estates
Nanawale Estates is about 3 miles north of Leilani Estates. Real estate prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home in Nanawale Estates is valued at $143,400, which comes out to $69,900 (48%) lower than Leilani Estates. Rent there is significantly more expensive. In Nanawale Estates the median rent is $1,078 a month, which comes out to $412 (38%) higher than Leilani Estates.
Hawaiian Beaches
Hawaiian Beaches is roughly 6 miles north from Leilani Estates. The housing prices there are a little less expensive. The median home in Hawaiian Beaches is valued at $181,900, which works out to $31,400 (17%) lower than Leilani Estates. The rent there is a lot more expensive. The median rent in Hawaiian Beaches is $1,250 per month, which is $584 (46%) higher than Leilani Estates.
Ainaloa is about 6 miles northwest of Leilani Estates. Its housing prices are a bit less expensive. The median home in Ainaloa costs $167,500, which comes out to $45,800 (27%) lower than Leilani Estates. Rents there are a lot more expensive. The median monthly rent in Ainaloa is $1,147, which works out to $481 (41%) higher than Leilani Estates.
Orchidlands Estates
Orchidlands Estates is about 9 miles northwest of Leilani Estates. Housing prices there are a little more expensive. The median home in Orchidlands Estates costs $259,300, which is $46,000 (17%) higher than Leilani Estates. Rent there is a lot more expensive. Orchidlands Estates's median monthly rent is $1,172, which is $506 (43%) higher than Leilani Estates.