Home prices
Lanai City's median home value is $419,400. It is approximately $565,440 (57%) lower compared to its nearby areas.It is about $201,900 (92%) higher in comparison to the United States as a whole, and is approximately $263,600 (38%) lower in comparison to the city of Urban Honolulu.
The median monthly rent in Lanai City is $1,059. In comparison to nearby areas it is about $1,057 (49%) lower.Compared to the rest of the nation it is is very similar, and compared to the city of Urban Honolulu it is approximately $432 (28%) lower.
Nearby places
Lahaina is about 15 miles east from Lanai City. Its real estate prices are a lot more expensive. The median home price in Lahaina is $686,800, which is $267,400 (38%) higher than Lanai City. The rent there is a bit more expensive. In Lahaina the median rent is $1,333 per month, which is $274 (20%) higher than Lanai City.
Kaanapali is approximately 16 miles northeast of Lanai City. Its housing prices are substantially more expensive. The median home cost in Kaanapali is $1,144,800, which is $725,400 (63%) higher than Lanai City. Rents there are substantially more expensive. The median monthly rent in Kaanapali is $2,681, which works out to $1,622 (60%) higher than Lanai City.
Launiupoko is about 16 miles east from Lanai City. The real estate prices there are substantially more expensive. The median home in Launiupoko is valued at $1,642,900, which is $1,223,500 (74%) higher than Lanai City. Rents there are substantially more expensive. The median monthly rent in Launiupoko is $2,719, which works out to $1,660 (61%) higher than Lanai City.
Mahinahina is roughly 18 miles northeast of Lanai City. The housing prices there are a lot more expensive. The price of the median home in Mahinahina is $794,800, which comes out to $375,400 (47%) higher than Lanai City. Rents there are a lot more expensive. In Mahinahina the median monthly rent is $2,114, which comes out to $1,055 (49%) higher than Lanai City.
Napili-Honokowai is approximately 19 miles northeast of Lanai City. Its housing prices are substantially more expensive. Napili-Honokowai's median home cost is $654,900, which works out to $235,500 (35%) higher than Lanai City. Its rents are significantly more expensive. In Napili-Honokowai the median monthly rent is $1,731, which is $672 (38%) higher than Lanai City.