Home prices
Kualapuu's median home value is $172,700. It is approximately $524,760 (75%) lower compared to nearby areas.It is approximately $44,800 (20%) lower in comparison to the country as a whole, and in comparison to the city of Urban Honolulu it is about $510,300 (74%) lower.
Kualapuu's median monthly rent is $1,313. Compared to its nearby areas this is about $114 (7%) lower.It is about $251 (23%) higher compared to the United States as a whole, and compared to the city of Urban Honolulu is roughly $178 (11%) lower.
Nearby places
Kaunakakai is roughly 6 miles southeast of Kualapuu. Its real estate prices are significantly more expensive. The median home in Kaunakakai is valued at $307,300, which comes out to $134,600 (43%) higher than Kualapuu. The rent there is a lot less expensive. The median rent in Kaunakakai is $836 per month, which comes out to $477 (57%) lower than Kualapuu.
Maunaloa is about 9 miles west of Kualapuu. Its housing prices are somewhat more expensive. The median home in Maunaloa costs $248,300, which works out to $75,600 (30%) higher than Kualapuu. The rent there is significantly less expensive. Maunaloa's median rent is $650 per month, which comes out to $663 (102%) lower than Kualapuu.
Ualapue is approximately 15 miles southeast from Kualapuu. Real estate prices there are a lot more expensive. The median home price in Ualapue is $276,800, which works out to $104,100 (37%) higher than Kualapuu. Its rents are a bit more expensive. The median monthly rent in Ualapue is $1,417, which comes out to $104 (7%) higher than Kualapuu.
Napili-Honokowai is about 27 miles southeast of Kualapuu. Housing prices there are substantially more expensive. The price of the median home in Napili-Honokowai is $654,900, which comes out to $482,200 (73%) higher than Kualapuu. The rent there is a bit more expensive. Napili-Honokowai's median rent is $1,731 a month, which is $418 (24%) higher than Kualapuu.
Kapalua is roughly 28 miles southeast from Kualapuu. Housing prices there are substantially more expensive. Kapalua's median home value is $2,000,001, which is $1,827,301 (91%) higher than Kualapuu. The rent there is a lot more expensive. Kapalua's median monthly rent is $2,500, which is $1,187 (47%) higher than Kualapuu.