Home prices
The median home in Kahaluu-Keauhou is valued at $657,300. In comparison to nearby areas it is approximately $162,300 (32%) higher.In comparison to the nation as a whole it is about $439,800 (202%) higher, and in comparison to the city of Hilo is roughly $328,100 (99%) higher.
Kahaluu-Keauhou's median monthly rent is $1,719. In comparison to its nearby areas this is about $429 (33%) higher.It is about $657 (61%) higher in comparison to the United States as a whole, and is about $674 (64%) higher compared to the city of Hilo.
Nearby places
Honalo is Kahaluu-Keauhou's neighbor to the east. The housing prices there are substantially less expensive. The median home value in Honalo is $400,700, which is $256,600 (64%) lower than Kahaluu-Keauhou. Rent there is significantly less expensive. In Honalo the median monthly rent is $1,293, which works out to $426 (32%) lower than Kahaluu-Keauhou.
Holualoa is Kahaluu-Keauhou's neighbor to the northeast. The housing prices there are similar. The value of the median home in Holualoa is $632,900, which is $24,400 (3%) lower than Kahaluu-Keauhou. The rent there is similar. In Holualoa the median rent is $1,775 a month, which comes out to $56 (3%) higher than Kahaluu-Keauhou.
Kealakekua is approximately 4 miles southeast of Kahaluu-Keauhou. Real estate prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home in Kealakekua costs $492,200, which works out to $165,100 (33%) lower than Kahaluu-Keauhou. The rent there is a lot less expensive. The median monthly rent in Kealakekua is $772, which works out to $947 (122%) lower than Kahaluu-Keauhou.
Captain Cook
Captain Cook is about 7 miles southeast of Kahaluu-Keauhou. Its real estate prices are somewhat less expensive. The median home in Captain Cook costs $502,300, which comes out to $155,000 (30%) lower than Kahaluu-Keauhou. Rent there is a little less expensive. Captain Cook's median monthly rent is $1,357, which works out to $362 (26%) lower than Kahaluu-Keauhou.
Honaunau-Napoopoo is approximately 11 miles southeast of Kahaluu-Keauhou. Real estate prices there are substantially less expensive. The median home in Honaunau-Napoopoo is valued at $446,900, which works out to $210,400 (47%) lower than Kahaluu-Keauhou. Rents there are significantly less expensive. Honaunau-Napoopoo's median monthly rent is $1,254, which works out to $465 (37%) lower than Kahaluu-Keauhou.