Home prices
The median home in Hawi is valued at $362,400. Compared to its nearby areas this is approximately $139,500 (27%) lower.Compared to the rest of the nation it is approximately $144,900 (66%) higher, and it is about $33,200 (10%) higher in comparison to the city of Hilo.
In Hawi the median rent is $1,144 per month. In comparison to nearby areas it is roughly $311 (21%) lower.Compared to the country as a whole it is approximately $82 (7%) higher, and in comparison to the city of Hilo it is approximately $99 (9%) higher.
Nearby places
Kapaau is about 1 mile southeast from Hawi. Its real estate prices are fairly similar. The cost of the median home in Kapaau is $368,800, which comes out to $6,400 (1%) higher than Hawi. The rent there is pretty similar. Kapaau's median rent is $1,102 a month, which works out to $42 (3%) lower than Hawi.
Halaula is roughly 3 miles east of Hawi. Its real estate prices are similar. Halaula's median home price is $378,900, which comes out to $16,500 (4%) higher than Hawi. Its rents are pretty similar. The median rent in Halaula is $1,170 a month, which works out to $26 (2%) higher than Hawi.
Waimea is about 22 miles southeast of Hawi. Its real estate prices are somewhat more expensive. The cost of the median home in Waimea is $449,200, which comes out to $86,800 (19%) higher than Hawi. The rent there is somewhat more expensive. In Waimea the median rent is $1,569 a month, which is $425 (27%) higher than Hawi.
Puako is approximately 24 miles south from Hawi. Real estate prices there are significantly more expensive. The value of the median home in Puako is $879,200, which is $516,800 (58%) higher than Hawi. Its rents are substantially more expensive. In Puako the median monthly rent is $1,934, which is $790 (40%) higher than Hawi.
Waikoloa Village
Waikoloa Village is roughly 25 miles south from Hawi. The housing prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home in Waikoloa Village costs $433,400, which comes out to $71,000 (16%) higher than Hawi. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median monthly rent in Waikoloa Village is $1,500, which comes out to $356 (23%) higher than Hawi.