Home prices
The median home in Hanamaulu is valued at $469,500. In comparison to the surrounding areas it is about $76,560 (14%) lower.It is about $252,000 (115%) higher compared to the United States as a whole, and compared to the city of Makaha it is roughly $64,600 (15%) higher.
In Hanamaulu the median rent is $1,146 per month. Compared to other places in this area this is about $439 (27%) lower.It is roughly $84 (7%) higher compared to the entire nation, and it is approximately $321 (21%) lower in comparison to the city of Makaha.
Nearby places
Lihue is Hanamaulu's neighbor to the south. Real estate prices there are a little more expensive. Lihue's median home value is $611,000, which works out to $141,500 (23%) higher than Hanamaulu. The rent there is a bit more expensive. Lihue's median rent is $1,463 a month, which comes out to $317 (21%) higher than Hanamaulu.
Puhi is roughly 3 miles southwest from Hanamaulu. Real estate prices there are similar. The median home in Puhi is valued at $465,100, which is very similar to Hanamaulu. The rent there is a lot more expensive. In Puhi the median monthly rent is $1,704, which works out to $558 (32%) higher than Hanamaulu.
Wailua is approximately 4 miles north of Hanamaulu. Housing prices there are fairly similar. The median home cost in Wailua is $492,800, which is $23,300 (4%) higher than Hanamaulu. Its rents are somewhat more expensive. Wailua's median rent is $1,430 a month, which works out to $284 (19%) higher than Hanamaulu.
Wailua Homesteads
Wailua Homesteads is about 5 miles north of Hanamaulu. The real estate prices there are a little more expensive. The cost of the median home in Wailua Homesteads is $617,500, which works out to $148,000 (23%) higher than Hanamaulu. The rent there is a lot more expensive. The median rent in Wailua Homesteads is $1,941 a month, which is $795 (40%) higher than Hanamaulu.
Kapaa is approximately 7 miles north of Hanamaulu. Its real estate prices are somewhat more expensive. The median home price in Kapaa is $543,900, which is $74,400 (13%) higher than Hanamaulu. Rents there are somewhat more expensive. In Kapaa the median monthly rent is $1,389, which is $243 (17%) higher than Hanamaulu.