Home prices
The median home value in Haliimaile is $548,300. In comparison to other places in this area this is about $195,540 (26%) lower.Compared to the rest of the country it is about $330,800 (152%) higher, and in comparison to the city of Kihei it is about $41,900 (7%) lower.
Haliimaile's median monthly rent is $1,688. It is about $136 (7%) lower in comparison to its nearby areas.It is roughly $626 (58%) higher compared to the nation as a whole, and compared to the city of Kihei is roughly $46 (2%) higher.
Nearby places
Makawao is Haliimaile's neighbor to the southeast. The housing prices there are a little more expensive. Makawao's median home cost is $603,800, which is $55,500 (9%) higher than Haliimaile. Rents there are a little less expensive. The median rent in Makawao is $1,336 a month, which comes out to $352 (26%) lower than Haliimaile.
Pukalani is Haliimaile's neighbor to the south. The real estate prices there are a bit more expensive. The median home in Pukalani is valued at $674,300, which comes out to $126,000 (18%) higher than Haliimaile. Its rents are somewhat more expensive. The median monthly rent in Pukalani is $1,802, which comes out to $114 (6%) higher than Haliimaile.
Paia is approximately 3 miles northwest of Haliimaile. Its housing prices are somewhat more expensive. The median home in Paia costs $695,400, which comes out to $147,100 (21%) higher than Haliimaile. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. In Paia the median rent is $2,210 a month, which comes out to $522 (23%) higher than Haliimaile.
Olinda is approximately 4 miles southeast of Haliimaile. The real estate prices there are a lot more expensive. The median home in Olinda costs $951,900, which comes out to $403,600 (42%) higher than Haliimaile. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median rent in Olinda is $1,859 a month, which comes out to $171 (9%) higher than Haliimaile.
Haiku-Pauwela is roughly 4 miles northeast from Haliimaile. Its housing prices are a little more expensive. The value of the median home in Haiku-Pauwela is $793,800, which comes out to $245,500 (30%) higher than Haliimaile. Rents there are a bit more expensive. The median rent in Haiku-Pauwela is $1,912 a month, which works out to $224 (11%) higher than Haliimaile.