Home prices
The value of the median home in Fern Acres is $178,300. Compared to other places in this area this is about $12,940 (7%) higher.In comparison to the US as a whole it is about $39,200 (18%) lower, and it is approximately $150,900 (45%) lower compared to the city of Hilo.
Fern Acres's median monthly rent is $1,146. It is about $200 (21%) higher compared to the surrounding areas.It is approximately $84 (7%) higher in comparison to the rest of the nation, and is about $101 (9%) higher in comparison to the city of Hilo.
Nearby places
Eden Roc
Eden Roc is Fern Acres's neighbor to the southwest. Its housing prices are a lot less expensive. The median home in Eden Roc costs $120,400, which comes out to $57,900 (48%) lower than Fern Acres. The rent there is significantly less expensive. In Eden Roc the median rent is $743 a month, which comes out to $403 (54%) lower than Fern Acres.
Hawaiian Acres
Hawaiian Acres is Fern Acres's neighbor to the northeast. Housing prices there are a bit more expensive. Hawaiian Acres's median home value is $214,200, which comes out to $35,900 (16%) higher than Fern Acres. Its rents are somewhat less expensive. In Hawaiian Acres the median rent is $1,028 a month, which is $118 (11%) lower than Fern Acres.
Mountain View
Mountain View is Fern Acres's neighbor to the northwest. Its real estate prices are a bit more expensive. The median home in Mountain View costs $197,200, which is $18,900 (9%) higher than Fern Acres. Rent there is a bit less expensive. Mountain View's median rent is $976 a month, which is $170 (17%) lower than Fern Acres.
Fern Forest
Fern Forest is about 4 miles southwest of Fern Acres. Its real estate prices are substantially less expensive. The value of the median home in Fern Forest is $127,500, which comes out to $50,800 (39%) lower than Fern Acres. Rent there is substantially less expensive. In Fern Forest the median rent is $838 per month, which works out to $308 (36%) lower than Fern Acres.
Ainaloa is about 5 miles east from Fern Acres. The real estate prices there are a bit less expensive. The median home in Ainaloa is valued at $167,500, which is $10,800 (6%) lower than Fern Acres. Its rents are pretty similar. Ainaloa's median rent is $1,147 a month, which is very similar to Fern Acres.