Home prices
Anahola's median home value is $439,000. Compared to nearby areas it is roughly $290,820 (39%) lower.In comparison to the US as a whole it is approximately $221,500 (101%) higher, and is roughly $104,900 (19%) lower in comparison to the city of Kapaa.
In Anahola the median rent is $1,250 a month. In comparison to the surrounding areas this is roughly $408 (24%) lower.It is approximately $188 (17%) higher in comparison to the rest of the country, and it is roughly $139 (10%) lower compared to the city of Kapaa.
Nearby places
Kilauea is approximately 7 miles northwest from Anahola. The housing prices there are a lot more expensive. The value of the median home in Kilauea is $725,100, which is $286,100 (39%) higher than Anahola. Its rents are a lot more expensive. The median rent in Kilauea is $1,958 per month, which comes out to $708 (36%) higher than Anahola.
Wailua Homesteads
Wailua Homesteads is approximately 7 miles southwest from Anahola. Its housing prices are a bit more expensive. The median home in Wailua Homesteads costs $617,500, which comes out to $178,500 (28%) higher than Anahola. Rent there is a lot more expensive. Wailua Homesteads's median rent is $1,941 a month, which is $691 (35%) higher than Anahola.
Wailua is roughly 7 miles south from Anahola. The housing prices there are a little more expensive. The median home in Wailua costs $492,800, which works out to $53,800 (10%) higher than Anahola. Rents there are a little more expensive. In Wailua the median monthly rent is $1,430, which comes out to $180 (12%) higher than Anahola.
Kalihiwai is approximately 9 miles northwest from Anahola. Its real estate prices are substantially more expensive. The median home price in Kalihiwai is $962,500, which works out to $523,500 (54%) higher than Anahola. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median rent in Kalihiwai is $1,366 a month, which is $116 (8%) higher than Anahola.
Princeville is about 11 miles northwest from Anahola. Its housing prices are a lot more expensive. Princeville's median home price is $851,200, which is $412,200 (48%) higher than Anahola. Rents there are a little more expensive. In Princeville the median monthly rent is $1,594, which is $344 (21%) higher than Anahola.