Home prices
The median home value in Offerman is $58,500. This is about $31,420 (34%) lower in comparison to its nearby areas.Compared to the United States as a whole it is about $159,000 (73%) lower, and compared to the city of Jacksonville it is approximately $114,700 (66%) lower.
The median rent in Offerman is $594 a month. Compared to the surrounding areas this is roughly $59 (9%) lower.Compared to the entire nation it is about $468 (44%) lower, and it is approximately $471 (44%) lower in comparison to the city of Jacksonville.
Nearby places
Patterson is Offerman's neighbor to the southwest. Its housing prices are substantially more expensive. Patterson's median home value is $108,400, which is $49,900 (46%) higher than Offerman. The rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median rent in Patterson is $635 per month, which works out to $41 (6%) higher than Offerman.
Screven is roughly 7 miles northeast of Offerman. Its housing prices are a little more expensive. The price of the median home in Screven is $76,800, which works out to $18,300 (23%) higher than Offerman. The rent there is similar. Screven's median rent is $591 per month, which is very similar to Offerman.
Blackshear is roughly 11 miles southwest of Offerman. Its housing prices are a lot more expensive. The price of the median home in Blackshear is $99,100, which is $40,600 (40%) higher than Offerman. Rents there are a little more expensive. The median rent in Blackshear is $663 per month, which is $69 (10%) higher than Offerman.
Nahunta is about 16 miles southeast from Offerman. The real estate prices there are pretty similar. The median home value in Nahunta is $59,800, which comes out to $1,300 (2%) higher than Offerman. Its rents are pretty similar. Nahunta's median monthly rent is $600, which works out to $6 (1%) higher than Offerman.
Deenwood is roughly 18 miles southwest of Offerman. Its housing prices are a lot more expensive. The median home cost in Deenwood is $105,500, which works out to $47,000 (44%) higher than Offerman. Rents there are somewhat more expensive. Deenwood's median monthly rent is $777, which comes out to $183 (23%) higher than Offerman.