Home prices

The value of the median home in Egypt Lake-Leto is $174,800. This is approximately $74,800 (29%) lower in comparison to nearby areas.It is approximately $42,700 (19%) lower compared to the US as a whole, and is about $64,100 (26%) lower in comparison to the city of Tampa.

Citrus Park
Lake Magdalene
United States
Egypt Lake-Leto
Town 'n' Country
Comparison of median Egypt Lake-Leto home price to nearby areas
Distribution of home prices for Egypt Lake-Leto and nearby areas


The median monthly rent in Egypt Lake-Leto is $1,044. It is roughly $208 (16%) lower compared to its nearby areas.In comparison to the entire nation it is about $18 (1%) lower, and compared to the city of Tampa is approximately $87 (7%) lower.

Citrus Park
Town 'n' Country
United States
Egypt Lake-Leto
Lake Magdalene
Comparison of median Egypt Lake-Leto rent to nearby areas
Distribution of rents for Egypt Lake-Leto and nearby areas