Home prices

The median home in Cripple Creek costs $146,800. It is roughly $132,800 (47%) lower in comparison to other places in this area.It is roughly $70,700 (32%) lower in comparison to the United States as a whole, and it is about $243,800 (62%) lower in comparison to the city of Denver.

Manitou Springs
Woodland Park
Cascade-Chipita Park
Green Mountain Falls
United States
Cripple Creek
Comparison of median Cripple Creek home price to nearby areas
Distribution of home prices for Cripple Creek and nearby areas


Cripple Creek's median rent is $887 per month. It is about $84 (8%) lower in comparison to the surrounding areas.Compared to the entire nation it is roughly $175 (16%) lower, and is about $424 (32%) lower compared to the city of Denver.

Woodland Park
United States
Cascade-Chipita Park
Manitou Springs
Green Mountain Falls
Cripple Creek
Comparison of median Cripple Creek rent to nearby areas
Distribution of rents for Cripple Creek and nearby areas