Home prices

The median home in Avenue B and C is valued at $54,900. In comparison to the surrounding areas it is roughly $49,840 (47%) lower.In comparison to the entire nation it is about $162,600 (74%) lower, and it is roughly $88,500 (61%) lower in comparison to the city of Yuma.

United States
Fortuna Foothills
Donovan Estates
El Prado Estates
Avenue B and C
Comparison of median Avenue B and C home price to nearby areas
Distribution of home prices for Avenue B and C and nearby areas


The median monthly rent in Avenue B and C is $591. Compared to the surrounding areas this is about $314 (34%) lower.Compared to the United States as a whole it is roughly $471 (44%) lower, and compared to the city of Yuma it is approximately $300 (33%) lower.

Fortuna Foothills
United States
Donovan Estates
El Prado Estates
Avenue B and C
Comparison of median Avenue B and C rent to nearby areas
Distribution of rents for Avenue B and C and nearby areas