Home prices
The median home in Toksook Bay is valued at $69,000. Compared to other places in this area this is roughly $5,267 (8%) higher.It is approximately $148,500 (68%) lower compared to the rest of the nation, and it is approximately $9,000 (14%) higher in comparison to the city of Hooper Bay.
In Toksook Bay the median rent is $563 per month. Compared to other places in this area this is about $112 (16%) lower.It is approximately $499 (46%) lower compared to the entire nation, and in comparison to the city of Hooper Bay it is about $38 (7%) higher.
Nearby places
Chefornak is approximately 31 miles southeast from Toksook Bay. The housing prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home cost in Chefornak is $45,700, which works out to $23,300 (50%) lower than Toksook Bay. Rent there is somewhat more expensive. The median monthly rent in Chefornak is $725, which comes out to $162 (22%) higher than Toksook Bay.
Mekoryuk is about 33 miles west from Toksook Bay. The housing prices there are a little more expensive. The median home in Mekoryuk is valued at $84,200, which is $15,200 (18%) higher than Toksook Bay. Its rents are a little more expensive. The median rent in Mekoryuk is $675 per month, which is $112 (16%) higher than Toksook Bay.
Scammon Bay
Scammon Bay is about 57 miles north from Toksook Bay. Real estate prices there are a bit less expensive. The median home in Scammon Bay is valued at $61,300, which works out to $7,700 (12%) lower than Toksook Bay. Its rents are a little more expensive. The median rent in Scammon Bay is $625 a month, which comes out to $62 (9%) higher than Toksook Bay.