Home prices
The median home in St. Michael is valued at $95,000. Compared to its nearby areas it is about $15,900 (20%) higher.In comparison to the entire country it is roughly $122,500 (56%) lower, and is roughly $16,100 (14%) lower in comparison to the city of Unalakleet.
The median rent in St. Michael is $1,125 a month. This is approximately $480 (74%) higher compared to other places in this area.Compared to the nation as a whole it is about $63 (5%) higher, and in comparison to the city of Unalakleet is approximately $63 (5%) lower.
Nearby places
Stebbins is St. Michael's neighbor to the west. The real estate prices there are somewhat more expensive. The median home in Stebbins costs $115,600, which is $20,600 (17%) higher than St. Michael. Its rents are a lot less expensive. The median rent in Stebbins is $450 per month, which works out to $675 (150%) lower than St. Michael.
Shaktoolik is roughly 43 miles northeast from St. Michael. Its housing prices are a bit less expensive. The median home in Shaktoolik is valued at $85,000, which works out to $10,000 (11%) lower than St. Michael. The rent there is a little less expensive. Shaktoolik's median monthly rent is $950, which is $175 (18%) lower than St. Michael.
Elim is roughly 45 miles north from St. Michael. Real estate prices there are substantially less expensive. The median home in Elim is valued at $49,200, which is $45,800 (93%) lower than St. Michael. Rents there are substantially less expensive. In Elim the median monthly rent is $738, which is $387 (52%) lower than St. Michael.
Koyuk is about 63 miles northeast of St. Michael. Its real estate prices are a little less expensive. The price of the median home in Koyuk is $88,800, which is $6,200 (6%) lower than St. Michael. Its rents are a lot less expensive. Koyuk's median rent is $610 a month, which comes out to $515 (84%) lower than St. Michael.
Marshall is about 65 miles south from St. Michael. Its real estate prices are significantly less expensive. The cost of the median home in Marshall is $56,900, which works out to $38,100 (66%) lower than St. Michael. Its rents are a lot less expensive. Marshall's median monthly rent is $475, which comes out to $650 (136%) lower than St. Michael.