Home prices
Ruby's median home value is $79,200. Compared to nearby areas it is roughly $7,600 (8%) lower.It is about $138,300 (63%) lower compared to the rest of the country, and in comparison to the city of McGrath it is about $7,900 (11%) higher.
The median monthly rent in Ruby is $331. In comparison to the surrounding areas this is approximately $656 (66%) lower.Compared to the rest of the nation it is approximately $731 (68%) lower, and in comparison to the city of McGrath is about $721 (68%) lower.
Nearby places
Galena is about 36 miles west from Ruby. Real estate prices there are substantially more expensive. The median home in Galena is valued at $119,800, which works out to $40,600 (33%) higher than Ruby. The rent there is a lot more expensive. In Galena the median monthly rent is $1,250, which is $919 (73%) higher than Ruby.
Huslia is roughly 42 miles northwest from Ruby. Real estate prices there are significantly less expensive. The value of the median home in Huslia is $53,800, which works out to $25,400 (47%) lower than Ruby. Rent there is a lot more expensive. In Huslia the median rent is $725 a month, which is $394 (54%) higher than Ruby.