Home prices
The median home in Pilot Point is valued at $88,300. Compared to its surrounding areas this is about $71,175 (44%) lower.Compared to the nation as a whole it is roughly $129,200 (59%) lower, and is approximately $177,900 (66%) lower compared to the city of Dillingham.
The median rent in Pilot Point is $763 a month. Compared to other places in this area it is approximately $224 (22%) lower.In comparison to the rest of the country it is about $299 (28%) lower, and it is roughly $408 (34%) lower in comparison to the city of Dillingham.
Nearby places
South Naknek
South Naknek is roughly 56 miles northeast of Pilot Point. Real estate prices there are a lot more expensive. The median home in South Naknek is valued at $137,500, which works out to $49,200 (35%) higher than Pilot Point. The rent there is a little more expensive. South Naknek's median monthly rent is $1,083, which comes out to $320 (29%) higher than Pilot Point.
Naknek is roughly 62 miles northeast of Pilot Point. The housing prices there are a lot more expensive. The median home in Naknek is valued at $213,100, which comes out to $124,800 (58%) higher than Pilot Point. Rents there are a bit more expensive. Naknek's median monthly rent is $1,034, which comes out to $271 (26%) higher than Pilot Point.
King Salmon
King Salmon is about 67 miles northeast from Pilot Point. Housing prices there are a lot more expensive. The median home in King Salmon costs $170,600, which comes out to $82,300 (48%) higher than Pilot Point. Rents there are substantially more expensive. In King Salmon the median monthly rent is $1,208, which works out to $445 (36%) higher than Pilot Point.
New Stuyahok
New Stuyahok is approximately 90 miles north of Pilot Point. Real estate prices there are a bit more expensive. The median home in New Stuyahok is valued at $116,700, which comes out to $28,400 (24%) higher than Pilot Point. Rent there is a little less expensive. New Stuyahok's median rent is $625 per month, which is $138 (22%) lower than Pilot Point.