Home prices
The median home in Nome is valued at $258,100. It is approximately $163,725 (173%) higher compared to other places in this area.Compared to the entire nation it is roughly $40,600 (18%) higher.
Nome's median rent is $1,500 a month. This is about $810 (117%) higher in comparison to its nearby areas.In comparison to the rest of the country it is about $438 (41%) higher.
Nearby places
Teller is approximately 37 miles northwest of Nome. The real estate prices there are a lot less expensive. The median home in Teller costs $113,400, which comes out to $144,700 (127%) lower than Nome. Its rents are significantly less expensive. The median monthly rent in Teller is $440, which comes out to $1,060 (240%) lower than Nome.
Brevig Mission
Brevig Mission is approximately 42 miles northwest of Nome. The housing prices there are a lot less expensive. The price of the median home in Brevig Mission is $85,000, which is $173,100 (203%) lower than Nome. Rents there are a lot less expensive. In Brevig Mission the median rent is $706 a month, which is $794 (112%) lower than Nome.
Shishmaref is approximately 66 miles north from Nome. The housing prices there are significantly less expensive. The median home in Shishmaref is valued at $78,300, which works out to $179,800 (229%) lower than Nome. Its rents are significantly less expensive. The median rent in Shishmaref is $843 a month, which comes out to $657 (77%) lower than Nome.
Alakanuk is approximately 75 miles south of Nome. Its real estate prices are substantially less expensive. The median home price in Alakanuk is $100,800, which works out to $157,300 (156%) lower than Nome. Its rents are substantially less expensive. In Alakanuk the median rent is $771 a month, which is $729 (94%) lower than Nome.