Home prices
The median home price in Nikolaevsk is $153,100. It is roughly $100,520 (39%) lower in comparison to nearby areas.It is approximately $64,400 (29%) lower in comparison to the nation as a whole, and compared to the city of Kenai it is about $76,000 (33%) lower.
Nikolaevsk's median monthly rent is $525. Compared to its nearby areas this is about $584 (52%) lower.It is approximately $537 (50%) lower in comparison to the entire nation, and in comparison to the city of Kenai is approximately $425 (44%) lower.
Nearby places
Happy Valley
Happy Valley is Nikolaevsk's neighbor to the north. Its real estate prices are somewhat more expensive. The price of the median home in Happy Valley is $206,500, which is $53,400 (25%) higher than Nikolaevsk. Rents there are significantly more expensive. Happy Valley's median rent is $1,102 a month, which is $577 (52%) higher than Nikolaevsk.
Anchor Point
Anchor Point is Nikolaevsk's neighbor to the southwest. Its housing prices are a bit more expensive. Anchor Point's median home value is $189,000, which is $35,900 (18%) higher than Nikolaevsk. Rent there is substantially more expensive. The median monthly rent in Anchor Point is $930, which is $405 (43%) higher than Nikolaevsk.
Diamond Ridge
Diamond Ridge is about 5 miles south of Nikolaevsk. The housing prices there are a lot more expensive. The value of the median home in Diamond Ridge is $291,800, which is $138,700 (47%) higher than Nikolaevsk. Its rents are a lot more expensive. In Diamond Ridge the median rent is $1,174 a month, which is $649 (55%) higher than Nikolaevsk.
Homer is approximately 8 miles south of Nikolaevsk. Real estate prices there are significantly more expensive. Homer's median home cost is $282,400, which is $129,300 (45%) higher than Nikolaevsk. Rent there is significantly more expensive. In Homer the median rent is $1,020 a month, which is $495 (48%) higher than Nikolaevsk.
Kachemak is about 8 miles southeast of Nikolaevsk. Housing prices there are substantially more expensive. Kachemak's median home cost is $298,400, which is $145,300 (48%) higher than Nikolaevsk. The rent there is substantially more expensive. The median rent in Kachemak is $1,317 a month, which is $792 (60%) higher than Nikolaevsk.