Home prices
The median home in Moose Creek costs $205,400. Compared to the surrounding areas it is approximately $27,460 (11%) lower.It is roughly $12,100 (5%) lower in comparison to the US as a whole, and it is roughly $6,100 (2%) lower compared to the city of Fairbanks.
Moose Creek's median rent is $1,164 a month. Compared to other places in this area this is roughly $59 (5%) higher.It is approximately $102 (9%) higher compared to the United States as a whole, and in comparison to the city of Fairbanks is about $224 (16%) lower.
Nearby places
Badger is Moose Creek's neighbor to the northwest. Its housing prices are a bit more expensive. The median home in Badger is valued at $224,900, which is $19,500 (8%) higher than Moose Creek. Rent there is a little more expensive. The median monthly rent in Badger is $1,309, which comes out to $145 (11%) higher than Moose Creek.
North Pole
North Pole is about 5 miles west of Moose Creek. Its real estate prices are a little more expensive. The median home in North Pole is valued at $226,000, which works out to $20,600 (9%) higher than Moose Creek. Rents there are fairly similar. The median monthly rent in North Pole is $1,122, which is $42 (3%) lower than Moose Creek.
Salcha is roughly 10 miles southeast of Moose Creek. The real estate prices there are a little less expensive. Salcha's median home cost is $170,500, which comes out to $34,900 (20%) lower than Moose Creek. Rents there are a little more expensive. In Salcha the median monthly rent is $1,336, which is $172 (12%) higher than Moose Creek.
Steele Creek
Steele Creek is about 10 miles northwest from Moose Creek. The real estate prices there are a bit more expensive. The median home in Steele Creek costs $269,100, which is $63,700 (23%) higher than Moose Creek. The rent there is significantly less expensive. The median rent in Steele Creek is $861 a month, which is $303 (35%) lower than Moose Creek.
Farmers Loop
Farmers Loop is approximately 16 miles northwest of Moose Creek. The housing prices there are a bit more expensive. The median home price in Farmers Loop is $273,800, which is $68,400 (24%) higher than Moose Creek. Rent there is somewhat less expensive. Farmers Loop's median rent is $899 a month, which works out to $265 (29%) lower than Moose Creek.