Home prices
The price of the median home in Manley Hot Springs is $86,700. Compared to its surrounding areas it is approximately $38,200 (78%) higher.Compared to the United States as a whole it is roughly $130,800 (60%) lower, and it is about $181,400 (67%) lower compared to the city of Healy.
Manley Hot Springs's median monthly rent is $767. In comparison to other places in this area this is roughly $70 (10%) higher.It is roughly $295 (27%) lower in comparison to the United States as a whole, and in comparison to the city of Healy it is approximately $108 (12%) lower.
Nearby places
Minto is approximately 29 miles east from Manley Hot Springs. The real estate prices there are significantly less expensive. The median home in Minto is valued at $43,800, which comes out to $42,900 (97%) lower than Manley Hot Springs. Its rents are pretty similar. In Minto the median rent is $781 per month, which is $14 (1%) higher than Manley Hot Springs.
Tanana is about 38 miles west from Manley Hot Springs. Its real estate prices are a lot less expensive. The median home in Tanana costs $53,200, which works out to $33,500 (62%) lower than Manley Hot Springs. Its rents are a bit less expensive. In Tanana the median monthly rent is $613, which works out to $154 (25%) lower than Manley Hot Springs.